I've recently started writing a monthly column for Connect Magazine. Connect is brand-new. Their "About" page says "connect offers an inside look at the regional economic landscape and the people driving its development. connect profiles high-tech, life science, or other innovative companies with ties to the west so you are aware of the major players in the region." I've known some of the guys involved in this venture for a while. They used to be with Digital IQ. They're bright and they've got a lot of pluck. They need it---this is a tough business. I'm impressed with what they've managed to put together in the last 4 months out of sheer willpower.
- Personalized
- Peer-based
- Decentralized
- Collaborative
- Connected
- Converged
- Presence-enabled
My plan is to use these words as guides as a write future columns. July's column is about Loosely Coupled Conversations and August's column, which I turned in today, is about Conversational Synchrony.