Utah Driving Records Available Online (Almost!)

Utah driving records are now available over the Internet. Unfortunately, its not free ($7.25) and its only available for your own record. Driver records accessed online contain the following information:

  • Driver's name and date of birth
  • License number, type, and status
  • Original license issue and expiration dates
  • Commercial status and license endorsements
  • Moving citations (citations issued for three years for non-alcohol and 10 years for alcohol-related violations)
  • Arrests (all DUI arrests received in the past 10 years)
  • Department actions

When I tried it, the system happily took my credit card data and then said:

An error has occurred. If you continue to have problems, contact customer support by going to: http://www.utah.gov/contact.htmlThere are no error details available.

That's special, isn't it. Of course if Utah Interactive takes $7.25 from me for nothing it won't be the largest amount of money I've given them for no good reason by a long shot.

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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:21 2019.