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The day after IIW (that would be May 20th), Kaliya is running a workshop called Digital Death Day at the Computer History Museum.
Death is a part of life but what does death of the physical self mean for the digital self? This is a conference focused on this question and others around "digital death".
- What does it mean for loved ones of the departed?
- What does it mean for professionals in end of life care and post mortem services?
- What does it mean for online tool and service providers?
- What does it mean for estate and legacy planners?
- What do people do to prepare for their own deaths in relationship to their online life?
- What do friends and relatives do with the digital assets of a loved one when they die? What if aspects of their online life were secret or just not understood?
- What does it mean for governments and public records?
- What businesses are serving this market?
Why are we just asking questions here -- aren't there going to be "panels" with the answers? Well this is a different kind of conference -- at this conference all the people who attend are the participants and together at 9am the day of the event are facilitated through a process that creates a multi-track conference agenda about this theme. The range and diversity of participants will mean that there will be many rich discussions about all these topic areas. "Answers" will be found in the discussions in the collective wisdom of the group. Notes will be gathered from all of the sessions, aggregated, posted online and shared with all attendees.
This event is for:
- People planning their Digital Wills
- Online Social Networks
- Companies offering services for digital afterlife management
- Death Care Professionals
- Estate Planners
- Legacy Planners
- End of Life Planners
- Death Attorneys
- Hospice volunteers
- ANYONE interested in this topic
This event immediately follows Internet Identity Workshop X (May 17-19) in the same location. The Internet Identity Workshop focuses on "user-centric identity" and trying to solve the technical challenge of how people can manage their own identity across the range of websites, services, companies and organizations that they belong to, purchase from and participate with. This is where everyone from a diverse range of projects doing the real-work of making this vision happen gather and work intensively for three days. It is the best place to meet and participate with all the key people and projects.
Kaliya Hamlin is the designer and facilitator of both events and both are professional unconferences.
You can follow this event on twitter @digitaldeathday