This week Scott and I spoke with Ylian Saint-Hilaire of Intel about his MeshCentral project. While we were talking I just kept thinking how cool it would be to use Kynetx react to the events this system creates. I didn't indulge myself however, that will wait for a future conversation. Here's the description from IT Conversations:
MeshCentral, a remote monitoring and management web site, allows a user to connect with home or office devices from anywhere in the world. It requires a special management agent on computers, but once installed, the computers will show up in the My Devices section of the MeshCentral web site allowing a user to monitor them, power them on and off and take control of them. Developer Ylian Saint-Hilaire of Intel discusses the project, now in its alpha phase. He talks about its development and the Android app that allows a user to take advantage of MeshCentral fro a remote location.